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Semaphore CLI

There are variouse sources available to download and install the ⚡ Semaphore CLI. Semaphore is invoked from the command line. The CLI could be used to spin up a Semaphore instance, validate flow definitions or manage your already running instances. Execute semaphore with the --help flag for more information.

$ semaphore daemon -f config.hcl

Enterprise features are only available inside the enterprise CLI


You are able to download a prebuild artifact from the latest release. Feel free to open a new PR if you require a specific build for your CPU architecture.


A Semaphore Homebrew installer is available inside the Jexia cask. Simply tap into the cask and install Semaphore.

$ brew tap jexia/cask
$ brew install semaphore


A installer script is available. By default the latest binaries for your operating system will be pulled and stored in /usr/local/bin. Arguments could be given to pull a specific version and/or store the binary inside a specific directory.

$ # pull latest version
$ curl | sh
$ # pull version v2.0.0 and store it in ./bin
$ curl | sh -s -- -b ./bin v2.0.0