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Running Semaphore is pretty simple. The daemon by default spawns a production-ready broker. The Semaphore daemon is stateless and multiple instances could be run at the same time to provide scalability.

Service hosts#

Services could have different hosts when running Maestro in multiple environments. Service configurations could be overridden through service selectors. It is advised to store your service selectors inside a separate file and use an environment variable to include a specific service configuration.

include = ["services.$ENVIRONMENT.hcl"]

Service certificates#

Root certificates could be included to provide secure connections. Certificates could be passed as options or be overridden through service selectors.

services {
select "*" {
host = ""
insecure = "false"
ca_file = "/etc/ca.crt"
select "*" {
host = ""
insecure = "true"


A Prometheus metrics endpoint could be set-up. This endpoint exposes metrics such as flow executions, executed rollbacks, and flow latency. The Prometheus agent starts its own HTTP server and requires a separate port.

prometheus {
address = ":5050"