Jexia User Management System Module (UMS)

UMS provides an ability to manage user accounts, sign-up and sign-in to the Jexia project with these accounts and perform data changes with permissions of any authorized user. There are two ways to create a new user:

  1. You can use Web Management Application and create users one by one with nice UI.
  2. You can use signup() method of User Management Module

Return values

Some of the methods of this module such as select(), update() and delete() return observable, but other return Promise type. This might be changed soon and all methods will return an observable.


If you want to use UMS module, just add it to the Jexia Client initialization:

import { jexiaClient, UMSModule } from "jexia-sdk-js";  

const ums = new UMSModule();   
  projectID: "your-project-id",    
  key: "your-api-key",    
secret: "your-api-secret" }, ums); 

If you are going to use UMS authorization, you can omit key/secret options,
but this requires UMS signing in before making any data request:

 projectID: "your-project-id"  
}, ums); 

user to the Jexia project

UMS uses email and password as user credentials. User account should exist in a project.
Additional options (both are optional):

  • default
    if true, this user account will be used for all further data operations by default
  • alias
    account alias. You can use it to clarify which account is going to be used to perform data operation
  email: '',
  password: 'secret-password',
  default: false,
  alias: 'Elon Musk'
}).subscribe(token => console.log(token));

Perform data operation on behalf of a user

If user successfully signed in, his alias can be used to get access to the datasets, filesets or any other project data.
You can also use user's email as an alias or, if default option was set to true, do not specify alias at all.

Use alias:

dom.dataset('rockets', 'Elon Mask').select();

Use email:

dom.dataset('rockets', '').select(); 

Omit alias, default user will be used.:

  email: '',
  password: 'secret-password',
  default: true  


Set default user

You can set default user with setDefault() method. After this all data operations will use Elon's permissions:

ums.setDefault('Elon Musk'); 

Reset authorization

With resetDefault() method you can switch back to default project authorization. Usually it is apiKey auth:


Create a new user (Sign-up)

You can sign up a new user to the project

  email: "",
  password: "qwert1234"
}).subscribe(user => console.log(user));

/* returned user: 
 id: "005c8679-3fad-46fd-a93f-9484ea8ff738",
 email: "",
 active: true,
 created_at: "2017-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
 updated_at: "2017-12-31T23:59:59.123456Z"
} */

You can also pass an extra fields during sing-up. These fields will be saved in the UMS and you can receive them by "getUser()" method:

  { email: "", password: "rewq4321" },
    age: 25, 
    address: { 
      city: "Apeldoorn",
      country: "NL"
).subscribe(user => console.log(user));

/* returned user:
    "active": true,
    "address": {
        "city": "Apeldoorn",
        "country": "NL"
    "age": 25,
    "created_at": "2020-02-12T11:09:36.017824Z",
    "email": "",
    "id": "736afb7d-fbc2-4ef2-9ffe-bbdc454e68a3",
    "updated_at": "2020-02-12T11:09:36.017824Z"
} */

Fetch user by alias alias (or email)

 ums.getUser('Elon Musk').subscribe(user => console.log(user)); 

Change user password

ums.changePassword('', oldPassword, newPassword).subscribe(); 

Delete user

You need to provide current user password to delete account:

ums.deleteUser('', password).subscribe();

Manage user

It is also possible to use CRUD methods select(), update() and delete(). They have the same syntax and return values as corresponding data operations methods.
All these methods return observables.
To get more information see Dataset Module Documentation


// select all active users  
 .where(field => field("active").isEqualTo(true))  
// suspend Elon!  
ums.update({ active: false })  
 .where(field => field("email").isEqualTo(""))  
// delete all suspended users  
 .where(field => field("active").isEqualTo(false))  

Change/reset user password

User's password can be changed whether the current password is known by calling:

ums.changePassword('', currentPassword, newPassword);

When the current password isn't known, you need to request a password reset:


If provided email is valid and exists the user will receive an e-mail with instructions to reset their password. This e-mail will include a reset token, that should be used to reset his password:

ums.resetPassword(receivedResetToken, newPassword);

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    No results matching ""